
joi, 3 martie 2011

Take your blog to the next level: 10 powerful blogging tips

small business blogging tips 287x300 Take your blog to the next level: 10 powerful blogging tips
In this big online “jungle” with so many business opportunities, websites and blogs that are promoting all sorts of things,it’is essential to be strong and to adapt yourself to changes. However, many people don’t have the flexibility to resist and succeed in the online environment . In 2008, Technorati made a study which concluded that 95% of the bloggers abandon their blog after 3-4 months. And now comes the question … Why is this happening? Why so many people give up their blog and online business so quickly?
The answer is very simple: the lack of education, consistency and perseverance. Many people are discouraged when they see that they wrote a few posts and it didn’t bring too much traffic or they didn’t made money on their niche,as an affiliate, network marketer or selling their own produtcs. It is normal to fail if you do not get involved and you expect everything to fall from the sky icon wink Take your blog to the next level: 10 powerful blogging tips ) ! The Internet is a good environment to make a lot of money if you are willing to change yourself for the better and to learn every day!
To avoid the difficulties faced by most bloggers and to help you take your blog to the next level , I will present 10 Powerful blogging tips
1.Choose your target-in other words you need to know in what niche you act,to offer your readers blog posts in that domain. It’s best to choose something more specific, and of course e something you like very much! For example: online business and marketing are too general. You have to choose something more specific like : email marketing, affiliate marketing, home based business or any other subject you are passionate about.
2. Be an expert in writing-this is a very important skill for a blogger. Write quality posts for your readers, informative and educational post that bring real value to them. People appreciate valuable things and they will look for you more often and they will distribute your content on the Internet!
3. Keep researching and educating yourself in your field.
To write well you have to continue to learn new things. So you won’t have to deal with the eternal question “What should I write about?” Especially if you are passionate about what you are writing it will be interesting, enjoyable and fun to learn more.

4.Post often: especially if you have just started your blog it’s good to post more often so that search engines will reward you by making you more visible and they will bring you more traffic. And more, a consistent activity on your blog will make a big difference in just a few months.
5.Keep in touch with your readers: offer them the posibility to join your RSS feed to be informed every time you post something new. Use an autoresponder to keep in touch with readers and to build your list. A good autoresponder that I personally use and recommend is Aweber.
6.Be close to your readers: this shows you’re interested in them! Reply to their comments, offer them solutions, ask them questions, let them propose topics to write about! They will love you for this!
7.Learn online marketing: In order to attract people you must learn to promote yourself online and to promote your blog. Choose one of the many existing strategies (articles, videos, ppc, facebook, twitter etc) and stick with it!
8. Pay attention to your blog’s design: choose a professional theme, avoid tiring colors and make the blog easy to read by all visitors.
9.Join in forums: choose forums that relate to your niche, participate in discussions, offer answers and solutions and include the url to your blog. This way people on forums will want to know you better and will come visit you blog.
10Read other blogs: keep in touch with other bloggers in your field and leave comments on their blog with your url ,so they can to visit your blog too.
Here are my 10 blogging tips that I use to build my business and to improve my skills! What blogging tips do you use for your business?
Feel free to leave me a comment and share your ideas with me!
To your massive success,

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